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import arxiv
# Çıktı
[{'id': '',
'guidislink': True,
'updated': '2020-03-31T17:23:21Z',
'updated_parsed': time.struct_time(tm_year=2020, tm_mon=3, tm_mday=31, tm_hour=17, tm_min=23, tm_sec=21, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=91, tm_isdst=0),
'published': '2018-09-12T14:06:25Z',
'published_parsed': time.struct_time(tm_year=2018, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=12, tm_hour=14, tm_min=6, tm_sec=25, tm_wday=2, tm_yday=255, tm_isdst=0),
'title': 'An Integrated First-Order Theory of Points and Intervals over Linear\n Orders (Part II)',
'title_detail': {'type': 'text/plain',
'language': None,
'base': '',
'value': 'An Integrated First-Order Theory of Points and Intervals over Linear\n Orders (Part II)'},
'summary': 'There are two natural and well-studied approaches to temporal ontology and\nreasoning: point-based and interval-based. Usually, interval-based temporal\nreasoning deals with points as a particular case of duration-less intervals. A\nrecent result by Balbiani, Goranko, and Sciavicco presented an explicit\ntwo-sorted point-interval temporal framework in which time instants (points)\nand time periods (intervals) are considered on a par, allowing the perspective\nto shift between these within the formal discourse. We consider here two-sorted\nfirst-order languages based on the same principle, and therefore including\nrelations, as first studied by Reich, among others, between points, between\nintervals, and inter-sort. We give complete classifications of its\nsub-languages in terms of relative expressive power, thus determining how many,\nand which, are the intrinsically different extensions of two-sorted first-order\nlogic with one or more such relations. This approach roots out the classical\nproblem of whether or not points should be included in a interval-based\nsemantics. In this Part II, we deal with the cases of all dense and the case of\nall unbounded linearly ordered sets.',
'summary_detail': {'type': 'text/plain',
'language': None,
'base': '',
'value': 'There are two natural and well-studied approaches to temporal ontology and\nreasoning: point-based and interval-based. Usually, interval-based temporal\nreasoning deals with points as a particular case of duration-less intervals. A\nrecent result by Balbiani, Goranko, and Sciavicco presented an explicit\ntwo-sorted point-interval temporal framework in which time instants (points)\nand time periods (intervals) are considered on a par, allowing the perspective\nto shift between these within the formal discourse. We consider here two-sorted\nfirst-order languages based on the same principle, and therefore including\nrelations, as first studied by Reich, among others, between points, between\nintervals, and inter-sort. We give complete classifications of its\nsub-languages in terms of relative expressive power, thus determining how many,\nand which, are the intrinsically different extensions of two-sorted first-order\nlogic with one or more such relations. This approach roots out the classical\nproblem of whether or not points should be included in a interval-based\nsemantics. In this Part II, we deal with the cases of all dense and the case of\nall unbounded linearly ordered sets.'},
'authors': ['Willem Conradie', 'Salih Durhan', 'Guido Sciavicco'],
'author_detail': {'name': 'Guido Sciavicco'},
'author': 'Guido Sciavicco',
'arxiv_comment': "This is Part II of the paper `An Integrated First-Order Theory of\n Points and Intervals over Linear Orders' arXiv:1805.08425v2. Therefore the\n introduction, preliminaries and conclusions of the two papers are the same.\n This version implements a few minor corrections and an update to the\n affiliation of the second author",
'links': [{'href': '',
'rel': 'alternate',
'type': 'text/html'},
{'title': 'pdf',
'href': '',
'rel': 'related',
'type': 'application/pdf'}],
'arxiv_primary_category': {'term': 'cs.LO',
'scheme': ''},
'tags': [{'term': 'cs.LO',
'scheme': '',
'label': None},
{'term': '03B44', 'scheme': '', 'label': None},
{'term': 'F.4.1; I.2.4',
'scheme': '',
'label': None}],
'pdf_url': '',
'affiliation': 'None',
'arxiv_url': '',
'journal_reference': 'Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 16, Issue 2, Logic for\n knowledge representation (April 1, 2020) lmcs:6260',
'doi': None}]
İlk bakışta karışık görünüyor ama çıktı aslında 1 uzunlukta bir liste, ve listenin tek elemanı da bir sözlük. Bu sözlüğün içerisinde aradığımız bilgileri bulabiliriz.
a = arxiv.query(id_list=["1809.04468"])
# Çıktı
An Integrated First-Order Theory of Points and Intervals over LinearOrders (Part II)
['Willem Conradie', 'Salih Durhan', 'Guido Sciavicco']
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import arxiv
# Anahtar kelime sorgusu
# Zaman aşımı hatası ya da beklenenden fazla sonuçla karşılaşmamak için max_results
arxiv.query(query="logic", max_results=100)
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arxiv.query(query="au:esentepe_ozgur AND cat:math.AC")
# Birden fazla makale numarası ile
arxiv.query(id_list=["1807.05471", "1809.04468"])
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